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National Academy of Marine Research

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keynote speech : Applying soundscape information retrieval in underwater remote sensing
Published Date: 2020-04-22
Unit: Marine Science and Information Research Center
  • Organizer

    National Academy of Marine Research

  • Dates

    2020-04-28 14:00~ 2020-04-28 16:00

  • Place

    National Academy of Marine Research 11F Conference Room II

In order to promote the understanding of marine-related knowledge and information, to ensure the richness and vitality of the ocean, and to create a high value-added marine industry environment, Taiwan Government has designated June 8 as "National Ocean Day". In response to the activity, Nation Academy of Marine Research (NAMR) is arranging a drawing competition for school children. Based on the perception and expectation presented through the children’s creativity and imagination, which may serve as a reference for the future development of marine research and industry in Taiwan.

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Applying soundscape information retrieval in underwater remote sensing
Applying soundscape information retrieval in underwater remote sensing
  • Visitor: 2310
  • Update: 2020-07-16
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National Academy of Marine Research