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National Academy of Marine Research

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National Academy of Marine Research located in Kaohsiung was established on April 24, 2019. The main mission is to assist the Ocean Affairs Council to conduct the affairs related to the planning of marine policy, survey of marine resources, research of marine science, and the development of marine industry and cultivation of talents. National Academy of Marine Research is positioned as a National Marine Think Tank.

The ocean is not only the treasure house of resources, the key of climate change, the medium of transportation, but also the place of living. Human life and national economy are all deeply affected by the ocean deeply.

With a global vision and international strategic thinking, NAMR concentrates the aspects of integrating and strengthening the national marine research capacity,keeping pace with the advanced international marine scientific research institution.


Taiwan is an ecological, safe and prosperous maritime nation. Taiwan’s most important outlet and opportunity is the ocean.

As a National Marine Think Tank, in order to conserve and sustainably use the oceans based on solid foundation of marine science and policy, NAMR will contribute to do the best to provide the necessary assistance.


The flowing waves convey the endless energy,The jumping Cetacean symbolizes the vitality of life.The English abbreviation NAMR is the image of the ship, lead us through the roughsea and explore the mysteries of the ocean.

  • Visitor: 2867
  • Update: 2021-08-27
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National Academy of Marine Research