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Ocean Science Sequence Teaching Material Workshop by the National Academy of Marine Research: Leading the Trend of Ocean Literacy Education through Enthusiastic Participation by Seed Teachers and Cont
Unit:Marine Industry and Engineering Research Center

Aiming to promote ocean literacy education, the National Academy of Marine Research held three Ocean Science Sequence teaching material workshops for seed teachers in northern, central, and southern Taiwan this year (2023). The workshops concluded successfully on July 2nd, marking a new milestone in promoting marine education with over 50 seed teachers participating!
Each workshop introduced the content and development background of the Ocean Science Sequence (OSS) teaching materials in detail. Jonathan Curley, the Vice Director of the Learning Design Team from the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley, was invited for an on-site trial lesson. A demonstrating trial teaching lesson by an experienced lecturer was indeed enriching for all the seed teachers.
The National Academy of Marine Research pointed out that the workshops were centered around the Ocean Science Sequence teaching materials, intending to provide seed teachers with a deeper understanding of the learning objectives and core values of each lesson through an engaging format with logical thinking and group discussions. The workshops emphasized the importance of the ocean for the current global environment and climate change. The goal was to cultivate citizens with ocean literacy, help teachers and educators enhance their marine knowledge, foster students' environmental consciousness, and prepare them to face complex climate change and environmental issues.
The Ocean Science Sequence teaching material, published by the Education Department of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), helps students in exploring important marine science concepts. The material provides learning opportunities that guide students in independently uncovering the mysteries of marine life and understanding how the ocean influences their daily lives. Students can learn with joy, inspiring continued exploration of the ocean and the natural world. The material also connects with international concepts of ocean literacy, introducing Taiwanese people to international ocean literacy materials.
Based on the policy direction of ocean literacy enhancement of all citizens as indicated in the "Ocean Basic Act" and the "National Ocean Policy White Paper," the National Academy of Marine Research plans to launch 30 school teaching activities in July. The goal is to promote the Ocean Science Sequence teaching materials to primary schools nationwide and benefit more students. Primary schools and teachers (mainly middle and high grades) that are interested in the Ocean Science Sequence teaching materials and marine education topics are welcome to register for school teaching activities from today. Details of the activities are also announced on the official website and Facebook fan page of the National Academy of Marine Research.
The National Academy of Marine Research looks forward to supporting schools and educators in promoting marine science and marine education through these school teaching activities. Through systematic learning methods, students will be able to deeply understand the knowledge and development trends in the field of marine science. Integrating marine knowledge into classrooms will enrich students' learning experiences while enhancing their scientific literacy and environmental consciousness.

  • Visitor: 172
  • Update: 2023-07-20
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National Academy of Marine Research