Page 9 - The 2019 annual reports of National Academy of Marine Research
P. 9

provide references for policymaking regarding the management of the East Coast of Taiwan.    The
             wisdom  of  the  traditional Amis  marine  culture  should  be  placed  in  a  dynamic  framework  to
             facilitiate understanding. This overall framework can be discussed from the following aspects: a
             distinguishable marine cultural aspect, aspect of marine society, aspect of marine ecology, etc. The
             sea god belief, humanistic aspect of everyday life, marine resources, marine society and culture,
             and ecological system connected with marine ecology conservation are investigated from different

               Education of the critically endangered species Taiwan White Dolphin (Sousa
                                                             chinensis )

                  To allow people to have the chance of seeing
             Taiwan  White  Dolphins  and  understand  the
             environment  of  the  west  coast  the  “National
             Academy of Marine Research” and “Matsu Fish
             Conservation  Union,  Taiwan”  collaborated  to
             present  a  series  of  “Taiwan  White  Dolphin           Sightings of Taiwan white dolphins
             Conservation  Education  and  Land  Observation
             Training” courses to introduce the basic ecology
             of the Taiwan white dolphins, aerial photos of the
             habitats,  the  protocols  for  the  installation  of
             offshore  wind  turbines,  and  the  importance  of
             marine  conservation.  In  addition,  tours  to  “the
             drain  of  Taichung  Power  Plant,”    “southwest     Taiwan White Dolphin Conservation Education
             embankment  of  Changhua  Coastal    Industrial          and Land Observation” training courses
             Park  in  Lukang,”    “Miaoli  Longfeng  Fishing
             Port,”  “the  south  embankment  of  sixth  naphtha  cracker  in  Yunlin”,  etc.  were  conducted.
             Participants visited the sea zones where Taiwan white dolphins frequently appear to understand the
             condition of the west coast and conduct land observation and record.      This project also produced
             a handbook and films (in Mandarin, Taiwanese, and English) for the conservation of the Taiwan
             white dolphins for people to download and circulate. It allows people to know more about the white
             spirit active in the west coast of Taiwan – Taiwan white dolphins.

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