Page 4 - The 2019 annual reports of National Academy of Marine Research
P. 4

possibility and overall benefits of establishing the museum. Discussions were conducted at local
             conferences  to  hear  suggestions  and  opinions  from  local  groups  to  consolidate  the  principles,
             concepts,  and  other  issues  regarding  the  construction  of  The  National  Museum  of  Marine
             Resources in Hualien. At a local conference held on July 8, 2019, local marine groups that had
             worked on marine issues in Hualien and local groups that had concerned about issues regarding
             marine and local culture were invited to present their valuable ideas and suggestions. According to
             the plan, suggestions were evaluated for overall consideration as references for and evaluation of
             design planning.

                    Creation of Ocean Data Bank

               Request For Proposal for Pre-Planning the Service Platform

                                            of National Ocean Data Bank

                                    The overall framework of ocean data bank service platforms in Taiwan
                    Taiwan is surrounded by the sea on all sides. Because of the excellent natural environment,
             there are diverse and ample ocean data. The vision of the development of Taiwan Ocean Data Bank
             is to integrate resources of marine agencies in Taiwan to facilitate the collection of marine big data,
             integrate and circulate supply mechanisms, and provide diverse basic marine environment data and
             all-round marine information services. This project proposes the design of the overall framework
             of the Taiwan Ocean Data Center platform. At the same time, it develops the prototype of the
             network system of the platform and the foundation for future expansion of the platform. It will also
             construct the functions of data upload, application for approval, data download, ocean data sharing
             mechanism, and the demonstration platform of marine data maps. Integrating marine information,
             it will further promote the planning and consolidate the promotion of marine policies. It will also
             provide government agencies and research institutes a stable channel for data circulation to speed
             up marine studies and upgrade the quality of research results.

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